Sunday 28 October 2007

violent shooters

so let's move onto the violent games where you shoot things, first off:

2006/ The rambo bros
A mario game where you shoot koopas, mainly with a sniper rifle. I admit, it kept me playing till I died, unlike most non-violent games that I closed from pure boredom. It also gains extra violence points for taking a peaceful game franchise (mario) and adding in guns and blood. Not that I'm ever going to play it again, mind you.

Duck Hunt 1945
a violent shooter + a violent shooter = a violent shooter. Pretty simple! Except it's also ridiculously difficult. Well made though, reloading animation's cool. Just, not very fun overall. Proves shooting does not equal fun.

Zombie Swarm
manic zombie shooting. Actually very fun, despite its simpleness. I particularly like how to recharge the gun you have to frantically click on the battery as zombies continue to advance.
I actually had to tear myself away from this one.

Overall the violent shooters were more fun than the peaceful games.. but not necessarily. In fact thep eaceful game jazzy jones was my overall favourite of the bunch I tried.

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