Thursday 14 February 2008

Powerpoint slides

I'm still unsure exactly how to structure the presentation, seeing as much of it is impossible without having the game finished. I'm thinking it would be most logical to structure it with similar points to my statement of intent, and include a rough walkthrough of the first level. I was thinking of splitting it into roughly 5 sections:
1: Working title, benio's cat lamping adventure
2: The competition itself, and an explanation of it for a few slides to demonstrate my understanding of the brief.
3: The idea for my game, which would also take a few slides, and explain how my game links to the competition. This could be explained with sketches of characters and levels, as well as other evidence of planning.
4: A brief summary of the games I researched/logged that influenced my game, for visuals, gameplay etc. In other words, more planning.
5: A walkthrough of the first level of my game. This would include talking through where problems were amended, why I included some features, etc. I would of course use screenshots of the actual game here. This would cover the making of the game including errors, the final game, and how I worked to make it to deadline.
6: Does this area interest me, how would it be useful at a later stage, how could the game be improved. Important question: does this have potential for the final major project?

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