Sunday 3 February 2008

Warioland 2

A platform game for the Game Boy, Warioland 2's narrative follows Wario's quest to retrieve the treasure stolen from him, while amassing plenty of new treasure along the way. Since his motivation is greed, he should really be seen as an anti-hero... differentiating it from Mario games which have similar gameplay. The adventure is also less linear than 2d mario levels, with 5 separate paths through the game and plenty of detours on each level for additional treasure, giving the game impressive scope for replay value. The graphics are unimpressive by today's standards, but consideirng it is for the old Game Boy this is irrelevant; it has to be judged on gameplay. However, one flaw with the game is its difficulty, which is largely quite easy due to the fact Wario cannot actually die. That said, the difficulty lies more in platforming and puzzles, and boss battles are a reasonable challenge as they often have an area effect where if you mess up you are ejected from the battleground. This is also a positive to avoid frustrating younger players, who are definitely the game's target audience. That said, I still find it fun shoulder barging hapless creatures to their doom... perhaps it's just nostalgia.
Overall I'd give the game a personal 6... but an 8 for its target audience, especially as I spent hours on it as a kid.

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